Make A Difference! Become A Volunteer

Thank you for sharing your time, talent, and expertise with our students. We encourage parents and community members to participate in our volunteer program to help meet the needs of our students. Volunteers help our district build strong partnerships between parents, teachers, administrators, and community members. As volunteers, you help our students and allow teachers to focus on classroom instruction.
Ways Volunteers Can Help At The Schools
Design Bulletin Boards | Demonstrate different artistic abilities | Assist students in art, music, choir, etc. |
Work with students in small groups | Help prepare materials for teachers | Assist with field trips |
Assist with computer skills | Help students and staff on special projects | Assist as monitors in the cafeteria or playground |
Assist in the front office | Tutor students in math, reading, writing, etc. | Assist in developing school publications |
Storytelling | Listen and/or read to children | Help students with homework |
Make props for plays | Gather resource materials | Serve as a mentor |
Discuss careers or hobbies | Help children learn a foreign language | Booster Clubs |
Assist in arranging special school events | Serve in a committee | Partners in Education |