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Ysleta Independent School District will comply with any Local Health Authority Orders, so long as such orders are lawfully in effect and enforceable.
We will utilize the 5-day isolation period for students and employees recovering from a COVID-19 infection as recommended by the City of El Paso’s Local Health Authority and CDC’s guidance for positive cases, quarantine, isolation, and return to school or work. This guidance can be found at the City of El Paso’s website under School Recommendations or at CDC’s website under Recommendations for People with COVID-19 and COVID-19 Close Contacts.
The Ysleta Independent School District (YISD) has developed a Health and Safety Plan which will serve as the baseline directive for how each school will reopen for on-campus, in-person instruction. Recognizing that the needs of every school and facility are different, the Health and Safety Plan will be tailored to reflect individual adaptations that address the unique characteristics of each campus. If a school requires any significant deviations from the plan’s implementation details or the addition of any special provisions, these changes will be developed in consultation with a select group of campus principals, directors, and the Executive Cabinet. Final approval will be obtained from the district’s Chief Financial and Operational Officer. Once approved, the Health and Safety Plan and any updates will be posted on the YISD website.
Limitations are influencers that either positively or negatively impact the safety plan. The plan should consider all local, state, and federal directives, which include the following governing agencies: Texas Education Agency, Local Health Department, Office of Emergency Management, Texas Division of Emergency Management, Department of State Health Services, Texas School Safety Center, and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. However, unless directed otherwise by a higher authority of the state or federal government, the ultimate approval authority for this plan lies with either the Texas Education Agency (TEA) or the local school board, as provided in Education Code 11.151. Any immediate changes made by governing authorities will be posted on the district’s home page of the website while pending an update to this plan document.
The Ysleta Independent School District Health and Safety Plan was developed based on the most current, evidence-based guidelines available. YISD is no longer monitoring COVID data because CDC ended the COVID Public Health Emergency effective May 11, 2023.
YISD Health and Safety Guiding Principles
Safely operate in a post-pandemic environment by utilizing Health Protocols and Procedures as directed by health and government entities.
Continue to maintain and promote proper hand hygiene and wellness practices throughout the district.
Provide a safe environment for students and employees by continuing district sanitization and disinfecting practices of our buildings and classrooms.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
YISD will no longer provide PPE.
Any student or staff member who wants to wear a mask may do so.
COVID-19 Testing for Staff Members and Students
Because COVID-19 testing is readily available to the public, testing will not be available through the district.
Disinfection will continue pursuant to CDC guidelines. In most situations, cleaning surfaces using soap or detergent, and not disinfection, is enough to reduce risk. Disinfection is recommended in indoor community settings where there has been a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19 within the last 24 hours (Source).
YISD Sick Day Guidelines
The district’s goal is to reduce the spread of communicable disease in schools and to promote a healthy environment for all students attending school. Proper handwashing and cough etiquette can help reduce the spread of disease.
Deciding when to keep a sick child at home from school is not always easy. It is important for children to attend school. However, when a child is sick, he or she needs to stay home in the care of an adult to get well and prevent spreading illness to others.
The following information will help parents decide when to keep their child at home. This information does not take the place of consulting a medical provider. Parents may be required to provide a doctor’s note stating the child is able to return to school for certain conditions. A doctor’s note must be from a health care provider licensed to practice in the state of Texas.
Influenza-like Illness (ILI): A non-specified respiratory illness accompanied by a fever of 100.0°F or higher, cough, and/or sore throat may be due to the flu virus or any other infectious organism that causes similar symptoms. Students with these symptoms should be evaluated by a healthcare provider for a definitive diagnosis and proper treatment.
When to keep a child home: A child with a cough and a fever of 100.0°F or higher should not attend school until the cough becomes mild and until he or she has been fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication.
Please read the information from the following link for complete details: YISD Sick Day Guidelines.
Area Specific Procedures
Isolation Room
Each campus continues to maintain a designated room or an area to be utilized to isolate students and/or staff who become ill during the school day. If no designated isolation room exists, a designated area with closable doors may serve as a temporary isolation room until the potentially sick individual can depart.
Administrators should restrict the number of persons entering the isolation area. The isolation room should be properly sanitized and disinfected regularly per EPA Guidance on Disinfectants. (How to Protect Yourself and Others)
Cafeteria and Food Service
All students are entitled to a free breakfast, regardless of socioeconomic status. Elementary students will have their breakfasts delivered to their classrooms and distributed by a teacher or aide. Secondary students can pick up breakfast through the cafeteria line.
Lunches for all students will be provided through the cafeteria line. Lunch eligibility will be determined either through a student meal application or the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) status of the school, when applicable.
At the secondary level, campuses that opted to have an “open campus” will be allowed to return to normal operating procedures, and students may leave campus for lunch. Cafeterias may be used for lunch at normal capacity limits.
Common Areas
Common areas such as teacher’s lounge, work rooms, and learning areas will be open at full capacity.
Hallway traffic flow will return to normal. Campuses should ensure an orderly transition period.
Playgrounds will be open to full capacity for P.E. and recess.
Normal restroom procedures will resume at full capacity. Ensure proper handwashing. Restroom disinfection will occur daily.
Elevators will operate at normal capacity.
Water Fountains
Water fountains will be available for student use. Refill stations, where applicable, will be available for students to refill their water bottles.
Volunteers are welcomed back to the campuses. Volunteers must be cleared on a daily basis through the campus’s Hall Pass System and must be registered as active volunteers through the District Affairs office.
Parents and Visitors
Parents will be allowed to visit schools. Visitors must have a valid ID, and background screening will be conducted through the campus’s Hall Pass System prior to entering the campus. Visitors will not be allowed into the cafeteria during lunch or school-day activities.
Safety Drills
Safety drills will continue to be conducted in accordance with state law.
Bus transportation will be provided to and from school based on current eligibility rules. Buses will be used at full capacity. Assigned seating is no longer required. All bus drivers will be provided with hand sanitizer. Buses will be thoroughly cleaned daily.
Classroom Instruction
Instruction will be delivered face to face; virtual learning will not be an option.
Student supplies will be provided. Students should avoid or limit sharing of supplies.
Proper hand hygiene and cough etiquette continue to be emphasized.
Special Education Classrooms
Recommended procedures will be applied to all classroom settings, including special education service locations when possible and appropriate. Students’ individual needs will be addressed on a case-by-case basis.
Career and Technical Education Classes
CTE will resume normal operation. Students participating in work-based learning at locations off YISD campuses will comply with the procedures of that location. If YISD procedures are more restrictive or protective than the policy and procedures of the non-YISD work-based learning location, more protective procedures will be implemented for YISD staff and students.
Extracurricular, Co-Curricular, and UIL Activities
Extra-curricular, co-curricular, and UIL activities will resume normal operation. Any UIL-regulated activity must comply with UIL directives. Student clubs will be allowed to meet in person.
Pre-Participation Physical Exams
All students in athletics or marching band activities who are required to receive a PPPE prior to participation in the coming school year must receive a PPPE for the 2023-2024 school year.
Fine Arts Classes
All Fine Arts classes will be offered on-campus. Music, dance, theater, and other similar performances may resume as performances are scheduled. All YISD band programs will continue with regular practice schedules, and marching band programs will perform at football games and compete as they had prior to the pandemic.
Physical Education (P.E.) and Health Classes
Physical education and health classes will resume normal operation.

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YISD Health and Safety Plan Download
Download the YISD Health & Safety Plan (updated 6/30/2023)