Phone: (915) 434-0746
Email Celina Muñoz
School Counseling

Welcome to the School Counseling website.
Vision Statement
All students who enroll in our schools will graduate from high school, fluent in two or more languages, prepared and inspired to continue their education in a four year college, university or institution of higher education so that they become successful citizens in their community.
Mission Statement
The Department of School Counseling ensures equitable access to and delivery of a rigorous education for all students by providing the strongest academic, emotional, and social support for each student while building partnerships with family and community member.
School Counselor
Each campus has been assigned a full-time certified school counselor.
The following links provide information pertinent to the different topics specific to the School Counseling Department.
Please come back and visit our site for updates.

Celina Muñoz Director
Jennifer Madrid
Social Emotional Learning Coordinator
Phone: (915) 434-0755
Email Jennifer Madrid
Leslie Ruiz
Compliance Coordinator
Phone: (915) 434-0750
Email Leslie Ruiz
Dianna Lujan-Enriquez
High School Lead Counselor
Phone: (915) 434-0758
Email Dianna Lujan-Enriquez
Michael Enriquez
Middle School Lead Counselor
Phone: (915) 434-0754
Email Michael Enriquez
Crishna M. Chavez
Elementary Lead Counselor
Phone: (915) 434-0756
Email Crishna M. Chavez
Judy Cortez
Phone: (915) 434-0748
Email Judy Cortez
Elizabeth Dodd
Coordinator of Ysleta Scholarships
Ysleta Education Foundation- Director
Phone: (915) 434-0504
Email Elizabeth Dodd